Sterokem- offering superior cleaning and disinfecting solutions to customers worldwide
Sterokem’s professional cleaning and disinfecting products are sold worldwide in the food, dairy, dairy farm, brewery, winery, food service and manufacturing markets
Supported by a strong research and development team, Sterokem provides cleaning solutions for difficult customer applications.
Sterokem offers full marketing guidance, support, and tailor-made solutions for its customers.
Sterokem creates a variety of private label products in partnership with major multinational I & I detergent manufacturers in both local and export markets. Sterokem can be very flexible with Private Label options with low minimum order quantities.
Sterokem sells its wide range of products, through exclusive distributors, to over 15 countries worldwide including Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States.
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Sterokem develops, produces and markets chemicals and detergents, with a special emphasis on the industrial and institutional (I & I) market. Sterokem’s portfolio includes raw materials, intermediates and finished goods.
Sterokem specializes in private label and branded manufacturing of powders in diversified formulations and packaging options. Our customers include both local and major multinational retail and I & I detergent companies.