Sterokem- offering superior cleaning and disinfecting solutions to customers worldwide
Sterodish is a patent pending powerful chlorinated alkaline solid detergent for use in upright commercial dishwashers. The product has a unique 2 stage release that lasts about 50 wash cycles. The first stage releases detergent immediately with contact with water for the beginning cyles, followed by a second stage, that meters release of the detergent for the balance of the cleaning cycles.
This detergent removes the toughest food soils quickly and completely. Water softening agents in this capsule help control lime in the dishwasher and חסdishes, glasses, and flatware, leaving them sparkling clean. STERODISH contains bleach to remove coffee and tea stains.
* Non-chlorinated formula also available upon request
Solid in a plastic cap (small powder layer on top not always visible)
faint odor of chlorine
Case of 24 capsules
Suitable for commercial dishwashers with a wash basin/bath.
Sterokem develops, produces and markets chemicals and detergents, with a special emphasis on the industrial and institutional (I & I) market. Sterokem’s portfolio includes raw materials, intermediates and finished goods.
Sterokem specializes in private label and branded manufacturing of powders in diversified formulations and packaging options. Our customers include both local and major multinational retail and I & I detergent companies.